Saturday, September 4, 2010

Titanic = Fail

So I just watched Titanic for the first time. I didn't even see all of it. I started at the part where the ship JUST started sinking. You know, when Jack is handcuffed to that pole for whatever reason...whatever, that's where I began. But I watched it until the end. And I must say, I have some complaints about both the movie and what I infer to be what happened in legit life and all.
  1. Rose's fiance guy had really bad hair. and some serious guy liner. i think he may be related to adam lambert or something. well, the guy liner part. addy has WAAAAY better hair than that guy. 
  2. why were all those rich people so stupid and like, "oh, you silly peasants! The Titanic isn't going to sink! what? you're wondering why we're getting into these life boats then? oh, well we just thought we'd have a better view of the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy over there. where we won't sink....yeah...but don't WORRY! The Titanic is unsinkable! alright! ta-ta! have fun with the hypothermia! i mean...what?"
  3. why was rose such a moron. and annoying. she kinda reminded me of christine from phantom. not as bipolar though, but she definitely conjured up the same nauseating obnoxiousness that christine embodies. 
  4. so WHO IN THE WORLD, was the genius who designed the Titanic? i mean SERIOUSLY!!! not enough life boats? the thing can snap in half. a stupid ICE BURG can sink it!!! dude...a rubber ducky could fair better than that thing. 
  5. the captain? ignoring all the ice burg warnings? i am so confused as to who contrived this disaster
  6. i mean both the movie and real life...the Titanic was a horrendous blunder of human stupidity and pride. 
  7. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I GET IT NOW!!!!!! a liberal must have come up with it!
  8. ROSE YOU CRAZY MORON! how could you be so selfish?!?! was is THAT HARD to scoot over on that HUGE door or whatever it was? jack totes could have fit on there and then he wouldn't have DIED! i blame you rose. stop feeling sorry for yourself. you shoulda moved over and then he wouldn't have gotten hypothermia. and died. so no, i feel no sympathy for you at all.
uhmmmmm.....i think that's all my complaining i need to take care of...alright, rant done

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