Wednesday, January 5, 2011

North Carolina

After sixteen and a half years of extensive observation and habitation of city of Raleigh, I have come to the following conclusion: it sucks.
  • the lamest "city" i've ever seen. although when viewed from the proper perspective, all four of its buildings can be captivating. 
  • there is nothing to do.
  • no one comes from raleigh. i was the only North Carolinian present at the camp i attended in Tennessee....which is one state over. 
  • on more than one occasion, i've been asked where raleigh even is...even someone from virginia didn't know.
  • a musical city?....NOT
  • it's boring.
  • and did i mention it's the lamest city i've ever seen?
 it's the whole lame city thing that gets on my nerves. i love cities. New York. Chicago. San Francisco. L.A. i love cities. i want to live in the city. but i'm not a huge fan of the cold.
which is why i don't know if i've got what it takes to reside in chicago or new york, much to my dismay.
which is why i'm thinking L.A. which works into my musical career. i think that's where i'll go after college.

.......assuming of course that California hasn't fallen into the ocean because of the stupid democrats who have destroyed it. but if that's not the case...i'm gonna be a california girl!

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