Monday, December 6, 2010

Dear Cam Ward,

Oh darling, please. Please don't be sad. I don't want to see pain in your eyes. I know it's hard. Well, for you; but, think about it. You have your...uhm...lovely Cody and your brand new baby boy. That's the happy life you want. You don't want me. 
And nor do I want you because, my once dear love, I have found another. 
And he is in fact, my age. Well...ish. But you understand don't you? Our time has passed, the seasons have changed and the ice has melted beneath our skates. I have founded greener...younger...pastures and must pursue them. I hope you understand and I hope you will still remember me fondly. 
And I really hope this doesn't throw off your game, because if it does I'm going to be extremely upset. We can't just blame defense for everything. 
But truly, my's over.

Love Fondly,

*disclaimer 2.0: i am very strange and....imaginative...and i really do not have a secret relationship with cam ward from which i am breaking up with him via blogger...that's just silly. :)

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