Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmastime is Here...

...and yet, my family has barely touched any form of decoration. The most we have done is bring down the giant singing dog from the attic, but that was partly by my own initiative, in order to terrify my dog, who is terrified of the fake canine barking, "Up on the Housetop".
And my dad said that all we would do the last two days of break is decorate. My mom promised to make me help her bring down decorations for an hour and all that was accomplished was bringing down the dog. I was promised the boiling of mulling spices to make our home smell like Christmas. But no. None of that happened. And as the amount of time left to have a Christmasy home wanes away, I have too much homework, or there's a choir concert this weekend, or my dad is on call, or my mom would rather watch hockey or this or that or a million other things preventing us from decorating. This happens....every freaking year. I believe that I will be forever scarred by the fact that each Christmas of my childhood lasted only about a week while the world around me celebrated so much longer. I don't even have anything for advent this year. Yes, I will be scarred. I am certain of this. I foresee much therapy in my future.

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