Sunday, August 29, 2010


you obviously haven’t been paying attention when its 11:11
because you aren’t making that wish come true.
fix it loser. jk love you.
but seriously
its getting ridiculous. make it WORK.
the end.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

One, Two, Three, Four

One sees her just once
Two becomes her friend
Three has known her forever
Four’s on whom she depends

One disappears
Two seems the best
Three began something
But Four beat the rest

One returns
Two runs away
Three starts getting nasty
Is Four here to stay?

One has a girlfriend
Two always ignores
Three seems to back off
All she sees is Four

One turns into a liar
Two’s a bit of a freak
Three only wants one thing
Four is the one she seeks

She loses her trust in one
Two tries again
Three is coming back soon
Four is barely her friend

One won’t leave her alone
Two forgets her once more
Three has arrived
She’s begging for Four

One pleads for mercy
Two completely forgets
Three takes without asking
Four gives her no regrets

One makes her feel stupid
Two just makes her feel mad
Three makes her feel worthless
Four makes her feel nothing bad

One made her cynical
Two made her cry
Three made her fragile
Four made her shy

One is ignored
Two faded after a while
Three is terrifying
Four makes her smile

Starry night and city lights
And music all around
Holding hands we start to dance
You twirl me around
My head is spinning
Something’s beginning
You pull me close to your side
And I feel as though I’ve died

And gone to heaven
I feel it in your arms
I’m the princess
And you’re prince charming
I’m in heaven     
When I’m lost in your eyes
I can barely speak but that’s no surprise
Because I’m in heaven
 I can’t believe you’re with me
You’re the perfect guy
You make me smile like a child
When I just want to cry
You’re incredible
It’s indescribable
I love you more than life itself
This is something I’ve never felt

And gone to heaven
I feel it in your arms
I’m the princess
And you’re prince charming
I’m in heaven     
When I’m lost in your eyes
I can barely speak but that’s no surprise
Because I’m in heaven

Friday, August 27, 2010


Why, may I ask, am I so obsessed with Stephen King?
After all, he doesn't seem to be the most moral writer in the realm of literature. He uses...colorful...language and semi-graphic displays of.......affection.....yes, we'll go with that.
HOWEVER, minus the sketchness of Mr. King's writing, what draws me to his work?
The answer of course is the sheer skill and literary genius of the man. I cannot even begin to describe my addiction to the awesomeness of his writing. His descriptions are so clear and vibrant that they seem to jump off of the page. (ha. cliches are of satan. bwahaha) But despite my love of, what has come to my attention as an evil device in writing, the cliche, I love Stephen more.
Every time I read his work, I want to write. After reading even a snippet of his work, I find myself walking around living my life while describing everything in my head. It's amazing what his writing inspires me to do.
And right now, I need some of that descriptive inspiration, because I've written three words for my descriptive quilt thing...yeah, life...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

"I Don't Wanna Go to Bed"

"Do not let the sun go down on your anger" - Ephesians 4:26

So, how exactly is this accomplished when I can't talk to this person about how annoyed, mad and hurt I am. I mean, yes, I'm probably overreacting, and I also know that the second I tell them that I'm mad they'll whip out their smooth, sweet, "sincere" charm, and apologize. But I have no way of knowing if its legit.
I don't wanna keep getting angrier and angrier, but I promised that I wouldn't talk serious to them anymore. I'm supposed to let them get to know the "real/new" me. But you see, the problem is, they could care less. I try to give them ample opportunity, but no...I guess I'm not important enough.
And see?! Now I'm angry with them! But then I think about how fantastic and wonderful and LIFE CHANGING they've been, and I just can't bring myself to really believe they're just a jerk.
Father, please help me sort this out. I'm so confused, and hurt. I don't know what to do.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


You know, I think every little girl at SOME point in her life says, "I want to be a singer," and then she will belt out an incredibly cute rendition of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" or something to that affect. But, as little girls grow up, their dreams will most likely change. One girl may be in P.E. in fourth grade and realize, "I like sports." So, she starts playing soccer. Next thing you know, she's a professional athlete. Another little girl may be sitting on the edge of her seat in freshman biology while her classmates snore and drool around her. Around eight years later, she's in medical school. Many little girls will never realize the dream that they all seem to have at some point or another. They won't be a star, at least not in the Hollywood sense. It isn't always necessarily because they don't have a good voice or can't act to save their life. It just isn't what they love. To truly succeed in ANY field, you must love what you do.
This girl right here? Yep. That's right. Me. I love what I do. I sing. I play guitar...and a bit of piano too. And I adore every second of it. I love performing. I'm never afraid to get up in front of an audience, no matter how big or small, and belt my heart out. And I know God has given me a talent for it too. You see. Music isn't just a pretend little game that I played when I was a little girl. Oh sure, me and my best friends were going to make a band when we were six (A.D.D. Moment - If we had actually made a band as six year olds? Take THAT justin bieber! HA!) and I would write cutesy little songs, usually about how girls were cooler than boys and we would take over the world. But, my as we grew up, my friends began to find love for other things. Writing. Dancing. Photography. Art. Etc. But me? I never EVER lost the ambition I had when I was a child. I've always wanted what I want now. And I have no doubt that one day, I will earn it; because, you see, I am willing to work as hard as I physically, mentally, and emotionally can. Probably harder than that even. I want this so bad. It is my dream.
And yes, for now, that is all it is. A dream. But I promise, one day, it will be reality.
And I thank God for the talent and drive I have to push me to that reality. Because that is who the credit SHOULD go to.
So yes...I'm a dreamer. And I dream big. But I don't think dreaming is worth much if you don't dream HUGE!