Monday, September 20, 2010

i guess i really am cynical...

  • because i no longer listen to love songs because boys don’t talk like that…unless they want something…which just means its all lies
  • because i’d rather watch an action movie than a rom-com because things getting blown up is more realistic than the kind of lies those romantic moves spew
  • because i’d rather read stephen king than twilight because in reality, love hurts like no other and your true love will more likely be burned at the stake than be a vampire who would wouldn’t eat you because he loves you too much and who would abstain from sex because he wants to protect your virtue 
that isn’t real life.
at all. 
i’m sick of being dumb and wishing it was. 
because that will never ever happen for me. 
and if i ever think it does.
it turns out to be lies. 
sooo weeeeeee.
i’m a cynic. 

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