Sunday, October 3, 2010

GRRRRRRRRRRR......i kinda freaked out....but only a little :D

i saw a sign once that read: "We can't feed the poor but we can fund a war"
This is my response:

OH MY GOSH! You’ve gotta be freakin’ KIDDING ME! I mean seriously! First, if we weren’t fighting this war, the terrorist would go freakin’ crazy on us! Plus, one of the biggest reasons federal government was created was for war. Second, you want the poor (which by the way, the “poor” and people on welfare are still a heck of a lot better off in this country than ANYWHERE else) to be fed and cared for…IT AIN’T GOVERNMENT’S JOB YOU IGNORAMUS!!!!! It’s the PEOPLE’S JOB! Did you know that when a privately owned organization gives aid, it does a more effective job then government?! Oh and hey, go check up on history, like, what our founder’s thought about it. Benjamin Franklin said, “Repeal that [welfare] law, and you will soon see a change in their manners. … ‘Six days shalt thou labor’, though one of the old commandments long treated as out of date, will again be looked upon as a respectable precept; industry will increase, and with it plenty among the lower people; their circumstances will mend, and more will be done for their happiness by inuring them to provide for themselves, than could be done by dividing all your estates among them.” Now for all of you liberals who’s narrow little minds can’t quite grasp the brilliance of our Founders, I’ll explain. DO NOT JUST HAND PEOPLE MONEY! THEY’LL JUST SIT ON THEIR  BUTT SNATCHING UP ANY GOVERNMENT HANDOUT THAT THEY CAN GET THEIR HANDS ON!!!!!!!!!! If they just get money handed to them, they have absolutely no incentive to work. So, they will be perpetually stuck in “poverty” (which, in other countries wouldn’t even be considered poverty. But in our FREE, CAPITALIST SOCIETY we’re lucky enough that THAT is what poverty is considered). So if you stop handing out money, that forces them to WORK! Oh my gosh i KNOW! How terrible! I mean, how dare those psychotic, sick freaks on the far right even think to make people actually get off their butt and DO SOMETHING when the government can just hand out free money!? They must HATE the poor. Uhm………NO YOU CRAZY LIBERALS!!!! WE DON'T HATE THE POOR! IN FACT WE’RE THE ONLY ONES WHO EVER ACTUALLY MAKE DECISIONS THAT HELP THEM!!!! “[This] Government doesn’t help the downtrodden. It CREATES the downtrodden.” (Rush Limbaugh) Big government and welfare, and socialized medicine does nothing to help the “little guy”. It just screws them over like it does the rest of us! And oh, on a side note, Mr. Sign-Holder Liberal Guy, are you even AWARE where the money for welfare comes from?! TAX PAYER DOLLARS! Yeah, so those of us who work our butts of to make a good living? Yeah, we’re footing the bill for all the lazy idiots who think they’re entitled to everything. And another thing…THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAS ABSOLUTELY NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO USE TAXPAYER’S MONEY WELFARE!!!! Go look up Davy Crockett’s speech, “Not Yours to Give”. That covers that topic. So, in conclusion…THIS POSTER IS STUPID JUST LIKE THE GUY HOLDING IT CUZ I’M SURE HE VOTED FOR OBAMA, WHO BTW IS NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT FOR THE “LITTLE GUY” NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES HE TRIES TO GET YOU TO BELIEVE HE IS!!! So, my liberal friends, what have we learned?
  1. This war is for our safety
  2. War is in the Federal Government’s job description
  3. Welfare and taking care of the poor is NOT in the job description
  4. Taking care of the poor is the PEOPLE’S job (and they WILL do it! Better than government too!)
  5. If you keep handing money to people they will stay in constant poverty
i hope you have become a bit more educated :D

love the incredibly smart conservative chick,
Meagan :)

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