Saturday, March 26, 2011

....stupid people

people who say "that's crappy music" make me want to kill a small creature. 
since when are you the resident expert on music. 
being a musician myself, i believe the quality of music is subjective.
whether it's good or bad should be left up to the individual. 
no. i don't like classical music. but that doesn't mean its bad.
you don't like the top 10 on itunes or whatever?
good for you. but someone out there does and that doesn't make it bad music.
anyone who is like "this is awful". i want to strangle them.

although i will make one exception. 


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Haiku - Snow

Frost on the window
Cold snow falling to the ground
My first white Christmas

Second Chance...

I don’t know if I’m getting through to you
But after all that’s happened to us I’m not sure what to do
Once upon a time, we were like a fairy tale
But it seems we read two different stories, that’s the reason we failed
It took me so long, to get over the past
But when I found your picture the other day all the feelings rushed back

Don’t you remember all that we had?
And as I look back, what I called a disaster wasn’t really that bad.
We both hurt each other; it’s an obvious thing I see
But I’ve already forgiven you, can you forgive me?
I think if we tried again, it wouldn’t fall through
So baby, let me take your hand because I still love you

I’m sorry; I shouldn’t have let you go
Baby, I want you to know
How much, I really do love you
Baby, I think we deserve a second chance
It’s the only thing to do

Because you and me, we were meant to be
We were made for each other baby; you’re blind if you can’t see
And all the wrongs done between us, can’t cancel out the good.
Can’t erase each kiss, each magic moment. Wouldn’t let them if they could.
I think we both know the obvious thing to do
Let’s give you and me a second chance; I’m ready, are you?

The Music

I've found a source of magic
A source of light
And I will hold on to it
Hold on tight
It sets a fire in my soul
And it's all I want to know

It's the music
It's the sound of these strings
It's my voice
Every time that I sing
It's the music
It's got a hold on my heart
It's magic, it's beauty, it's love and it's art
It's the music

The Random Poem

Up in outer space
There is a certain place
Where you can go to see
Us together in harmony

Flowers, diamonds, and sunny skies
When you feel it, it's no surprise
Three little singing boys sitting in a row
Tell me you will stay here
I don't what you to go

Because we are here
We are here
In tye-dye colors swirling about
Smiles and laughter that make you wanna shout
Puffy clouds and starry nights
Raining frogs and bunny fights
Yes my friends, I know this is strange
But these words I will not change
This is my random poem

Dreaming Out Loud

A pleasant kind of numbness
Running through your head
And echoing back and forth
Are the words you've left unsaid

There's a field of clouds before you
But you can't see the silver lining
And you wonder where your voice has gone
While you're dreaming out loud

A quiet, peaceful moment
When you whisper in your mind
You sing songs of lovely melodies
While you're dreaming out loud

Staring into the sky
Hoping that there's more
You've been searching for so long
But you're not sure what you're searching for

You listen to the birds sing
Unaware of all that's around you
But you do know one thing
You are dreaming out loud

And you want a way out
You want to escape
But you don't know which way is out
So you're stuck inside this dream

I guess that you'll just stay where you are
And keep dreaming out loud


I see those starry eyes, little girl
I know you have big dreams, little girl
But the mirror lies, little girl
You're not what you think, little girl

Cuz you've got something
And everyone can see
You've got magic
So why are you waiting in the wings

Cuz you can shine
Why do you let them hold you down
You've got to shine
It's your life darling, don't back down
No more hiding. Don't be quiet. Get your back off of the wall.
And shine
Cuz you shine

Just ignore their words, little girl
They don't know a thing, little girl
I know that it hurts, little girl
Bt you can prove them wrong, little girl

Cuz you've got something
Come on can't you see
You've got a passion
So why are you waiting in the wings

Cuz you can shine
Why do you let them hold you down
You've got to shine
It's your life darling, don't back down
No more hiding. Don't be quiet. Get your back off of the wall.
And shine
Cuz you shine

Don't give up
Enough is enough
Don'g put out your light
Because your future is so bright

Cuz you can shine
Why do you let them hold you down
You've got to shine
It's your life darling, don't back down
No more hiding. Don't be quiet. Get your back off of the wall.
And shine
Because you shine

...i think i need therapy...

His reptillian personality was not enough to keep me away. If his charm was snake like, it was still charm and I could not resist. I don't think I even had a choice. Maybe I did. Maybe now I am screaming inside for help. Maybe I am inwardly clawing at the ground as he drags me away. But if I am, I do not know it. I am enchanted by him. No, "enchanted" is not the word. That word is too lovely. This isn't love or beauty. Does he captivate me? No. I may be his captive but there is still too much good in that expression. I am gorgonized. Yes. That's it. I'm gorgonized. I'm paralyzed. And his eyes bore into me. The rope twists in his hands. He smiles. He's going to enjoy this. It's obvious in his grin. But he is too hypnotizing to allow me to sense real terror. He knows this too. It works to his advantage. He must be proud. I'm too enthralled (no, still to positive) by him to be scared. He'll get away with this. I won't scream. I won't cry. I won't plead. I will only die. Maybe I deserve this. Maybe he really is insane like he told me when we met. That sick grin on his face may just be conformation of the latter. But he was mine for so long. No. No, he wasn't mine. I was his. I was his and I'm alright with that. I thought I was happy. I know I wasn't. But as long as he's happy I can pretend I'm content. I really trick myself into believing I am. Really I do. Like now. As he leans forward and I feel the rope around my neck, he looks so pleased. So happy. So ecstatic. Why would I want to ruin this for him by screaming? Not that I could if I wanted to. Because now, I can't breathe.

I don't care what anyone says

Justin Bieber is epic. I saw the movie and I am a Belieber. For reals. He's so dedicated. He loves his fans so much. But, the best part? The movie really showed some good scenes of the faith he and his mom possess. In one scene, as Biebs battles swollen vocal cords, his mom strokes his hair and prays fervently saying "In Jesus name, heal Justin Father" and other such phrases. In another scene, Justin and his friends sit down to have some hawaiian pizza, and Justin asks one of his friends to say grace. The boy starts the prayer and laughs through it, and thanks God for the hawaiians because they make pineapple. Justin goes "Haha, yeah, pineapples," then takes over and starts saying a legit prayer. I was really proud actually. Not only did he initiate saying grace, but when his peer wasn't taking it seriously, he was brave enough to actually be like, "K, guys, let's do an actual prayer to God" and all. Honestly, I don't know many people who wouldn't just laugh uncomfortably but not say anything. So Justin Bieber is talented and epic. And he's Canadian. All good things are Canadian :)

I hate mornings...

Dreams lined up against the wall
Waiting for the epic brawl
Of reality versus a wild mind
That beckons me with fantasy's call

The morning hour is still so black
And I feel the drain of such a lack
Of sleep from the previous night
And I wish only to go back

A noise blares loud near the bed
And a light in my eyes flashes red
I slam my fist against the clock
And wish I could go back to bed

A short reprieve from beginning the day
So in deep dreams I may just stay
They call to me from the night
But the dawn is drawing me away

But who will win this raging war
Will I wake or dream some more
They struggle together in stalemate
But waking will win, that's what school is for

Destination Truth

Because I am a nerd, and have nothing better to do for four hours on St. Patrick's Day, I'm watching Syfy's live, four hour season premiere of "Destination Truth". It's another of bajillions of "Legend Hunting" shows. But I gotta say. As, dumb and most likely faked as these shows are, I find them freaking interesting. Maybe I am a freak. That could be the case. I might need therapy or something, but whatever.
Anyway, "Destination Truth" has traveled to Durrack's (at least I think that's what the name is...) Castle, that is supposedly haunted by a creepy banshee. If you don't know the legend of the banshee, it's supposed to be the spirit of a woman with long flowing gray hair that acts as a sort of shroud over her face. She is said to have a high pitched screech, that if heard, is said to signal an inevitable death shortly after the scream is heard. Many of the locals the crew interviewed said that after they heard the banshee, a relative died a day or two later. Coincidence? Eh...whatever it's creepy enough to be interesting and there are lots of heavy Irish accents which is freakin fascinating. I love Irish accents. So ghost or no ghost, I'm enjoying this four hour waste of time. :)

Epic Cuties and Some Made Up Facts :)

The pygmy jerboa is freaking adorable. Seriously. I'm naming this one Larry. And...Larry likes to polka. And...he is a big fan of hip-hop as well. He's funky.

The red ruffed lemur? He just watched "Friday" :)

The angora rabbit is a rodent of class. She enjoys long days at the spa, and is very demanding about her hair care.

I forget these things are real. The freakin unicorn of the sea, like yeah.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Dating in high school is a lot like politics. It’s full of facades and empty promises all working towards individual gain. A politician’s campaign is built upon everything the constituents want to hear. He promises things like “hope” and “change” and other beautiful ideas. However, once he is in office, his true colors show and his real motives seep out. The voters realize that their leader is not who they voted for and that they had fallen for his guise. Similarly, when a boy is courting a girl, he tells her anything she wants to hear. The gullible girl believes him and they date. However, the boy’s real motives for wanting a relationship are quickly apparent, and the girl is left horribly disappointed. 

What the heck...

is a platypus?
I mean, seriously? Is it a rodent with a duck beak? But what in the world it lays eggs?! And it has a beaver tail? Oh my goodness I am so confused. I think Australia gets all the reject animals. I guess they got all the reject British people when it was like, prisoner land. But really. It has all the freaking weird animals. Like, the emu. What is an emu? A retarded ostrich? Like, really. And then there's the bilby. It's like a rabbit and a rat. It's a ratbit! And the cassowary? It looks like a cross between a turkey and one of those Dilophosaurus things. And my gosh, the frilled necked lizard?! SERIOUSLY!? I THOUGHT ALL THE DINOSAURS WERE EXTINCT?!?!?!?!?
What even is Australia?
I'll bet anything that it's also the island of misfit toys.

The Ballad of the Knight

I sit in the armchair

Twirling my hair
Reading a book 
And out the window I sometimes look
I’m hoping, wishing and longing to see
The beautiful palace by the sea
Where on the beach horses prance 
And in the courtyard children dance
And in the tower a maiden waits 
For the men who draw the castle gates 
To open the door for the man
Who will lovingly take her by the hand
But sadly all she sees is that knight 
The on that she must marry tonight
But please, dear child, do not wail
There is a happy ending to this tale
For here he comes, the good knight
Riding a gallant horse so white
“No!” screams the maiden, very scared 
The evil knight lets loose a wolf whose teeth are barred
The wolf lunges forward ready to kill
As the girl’s knuckles turn white as she grips the window sill
Off his horse the good knight jumps 
While the dark knight laughs, sitting on a stump
The good knight makes a slash 
And the girl covers her eyes with her sash
But with one strike the wolf was slain 
Yelping out in great pain
The dark knight stands and draws his sword
He declares, “Of this manor I will be lord!”
“To cocky,” says the good knight
“No matter, for now I will show you the light.”
And with that being now said 
They started to fight and wouldn’t stop till one was dead
With clashing swords and clanking feet
They both were sure they would be the elite
The maiden leaped up “My love will be killed!”
And with great sorrow her heart was filled
For no matter how cocky the dark knight may be
He was still the best knight in the palace by the sea
Then she said “I must stop this now!”
But sadly she thought “Oh, but how?”
Then an idea came into her head
“Why would they fight if I was dead?”
And so she climbed out of the window and hung on the sill
She waited and hung there perfectly still
And finally she yelled “Someone help me!”
Hoping the fighting men would see
The good knight ran fast 
The girl thought “At last!”
But as he came near 
Her eyes filled with fear
For she lost her tight grip 
And she started to slip
“No!” he cried out
She would die no doubt
He reached out his arms 
To keep her from harm
He caught her and held her tight 
Then he whispered “Are you alright?”
But she answered not a word as her eyes grew wide 
“My love! Look out!” she cried
He turned to see he needed to duck
While the dark knight missed and in a tree his sword got stuck
The good knight stood to end the fight
He said “I will be the groom tonight!”
“No!” yelled the other knight angrily
“I will marry the girl from the castle by the sea!”
And with that they were at it again
To this fight there seemed no end
Until suddenly the dark knight slashed with an angry yell
The good knight moaned and to the ground he fell
The maiden ran to him and bowed her head
She wept very much for he was dead
The dark knight asked “Why do you cry?”
So she answered “You know why!”
Then he lifted his helmet so she could see
That to her surprise it was he
“My love!” she cried
“I thought you had died!”
She wept in his arms and he held her tight
She looked at the corpse but turned her sight
And she looked at him and asked “How can it be?”
She wept some more then asked “Who is he?”
He looked very puzzled and said “I thought you knew.”
“No!” she cried “I thought it was you!”
He smiled at her and kissed her cheek
“Shh,” he said “you don’t have to speak.”
Then they kissed for a while with a passionate love 
While raindrops started to fall from above
And that very night their marriage took place
For their love for each other was vaster than space
Suddenly I woke up, sitting in the chair
 I looked out the window but there was nothing there
Nothing but raindrops falling to the ground
But then I uttered not a sound
For out the window I thought I could see
That beautiful palace by the sea
Where on the beach horses prance 
And in the courtyard children dance
And in the tower a maiden waits
For her love to come through the gates
The one who will hold her tight
Because now everything was alright

The Little Boy and His Pet - Part 2

It had been a week and the boys hadn't seen Cameron at all. They sat on the edge of the cul-de-sac thinking about their friend.
"I hope it didn't eat him..." Jefferey said quietly.
"I thought you wanted it to eat him?" Chad replied.
"No, he just called me a baby..." then Jefferey furrowed his brow angrily, "I'm not a baby."
"Be quiet, Jefferey," Justin instructed him, staring out at the woods. Things were quiet for a moment, then he added. "We should go find him."
"Out there?" Rudi asked, "By ourselves?"
Chad jumped up, excited, "Yeah! We can be heros!"
Jefferey stood too, but he shook his head. "We can't go in the woods by ourselves! The woods are scary!"
The other too got up as well. "You don't have to go if you don't want to, Jefferey," Justin said.
Jefferey thought for a moment. Then shook his head, with determination. "I'm not a baby."
"Okay," Justin said, "Let's go find Cameron."
Chad suddenly burst into a sprint toward the woods. "Let's goooooooo!" he cried, and then began repeatedly tapping his hand against his mouth as he yelled, like an Indian.
Then other boys followed, but less vigorously.
They searched for a while before finding Cameron's little creek.
"Look!" Jefferey suddenly cried. He pointed at a red object on the ground. They walked over to it. It was Cameron's hat. Chad picked it up. "Look Justin!" He held it out to the oldest boy.
Justin took the hat at examined it. He flipped it over, and then suddenly flung it away with a cry.
He quickly recomposed himself, and then went back to it.
"What?! What was it?!" the other boys demanded to know.
Justin picked it up again, but held it cautiously.
He flipped it back over and the boys saw Cody the leech clinging to the inside of the hat.
There was silence for a long time.
Then, Jefferey spoke up softly, "I didn't really want it to eat him..."


She sits on her desk, staring at the sky. The sun warms her through the window and she has to squint a little to protect her eyes from the bright light. Peaceful, ambient music contrasts the hasty "click-clicking" of the teacher at his keyboard. A student next to her surreptitiously texts the boy whom she denies she has no interest in dating but a smile creeps across the students face with every new text message she receives. The girl sighs at this idiocy and turns her face back to the sun, eyes closed, basking it its rays. Now, she doesn't see anything. She only hears. The window is cracked open, so the soft hum of cars in the carpool line floats  up into the classroom. The giggles of middle schoolers playing hooky fill her ears. In the room, she hears he whoosh of pencils across paper as students work furiously to get as much done on their essay as they can.
"I don't need to now," she thinks, "I have time."
She begins to think about how much works she has. She only has one test left this week. Not many teachers are giving homework either. But then it hits her: "I have to blog."
She sighs and grabs a pen and paper and begins to brain storm. The page stays blank for a while. Again, she lifts her head to the sun and listens. She hears the music, the teacher at the keyboard, the clicking of the texter, the carpool line, the middle schoolers and the pencils. Then she smiles and looks down at her paper. She begins to write about seventh period AP English.

The Little Boy and His Pet - Part 1

Once upon a time there was a little, six year old boy named Cameron. Cameron liked to play by a creek in the woods. One day, as he was splashing through the shallow waters, he spotted something strange. He bent over, peering down at the oddity. It sort of looked like a slug, or maybe a worm; but, it was sorta cool. He reached into the cool water and picked it up. It suddenly, latched on to his palm.
"Ah!" he cried and tried to fling it off. But it remained. Calming down, Cameron lifted his hand to get a closer look at the creature. What is it? He decided his friends, Chad, Justin, Jefferey, and Rudi might know.
Cameron made his way out of the wood, with the worm like creature still attached to his hand. It felt very strange. He walked to the cul-de-sac where his friends liked to play street hockey.
"Hey Cameron!" Chad called happily when he saw him.
"Cameron! Come over and play offense with me!" Rudi yelled to him, "Justin's in goal!"
Cameron shook his head. "Guys, come see this!"
His friends exchanged glances and skated over to him. Cameron held out his hand with the dark thing.
"AH!" Jefferey screamed, and stumbled back, falling on his butt, "What is that?!"
Cameron shrugged. "I don't know," he looked up hopefully at Justin, the oldest, "Do you know?"
Justin looked closer at the thing and then wrinkled his nose. "Cameron, that's a leech. Those things suck your blood."
Cameron stared at the leech on his hand. That's probably why it felt funny.
"'s kinda's like a vampire slug," he replied.
Justin shook his head. "You should get rid of it, Cameron."
Chad nodded, "Listen to Justin. My mom said that leeches are really really bad. They're like lawyers...or were lawyers like leeches?" Chad thought for a moment. Jefferey pushed himself up. "Hey! My parents are lawyers!"
Cameron was ignoring them now. He studied his newfound creature. His friends were now arguing about what their parents thought about lawyers. Then, Cameron spoke softly. "Cody..."
The other boys quieted and looked at him. "What did you say?" Rudi asked.
"Cody," Cameron kept his eyes fixed on the leech, "I'm naming it Cody."
"Don't name it! It's gonna suck up all your blood! It's a bad guy!" Jefferey cried.
"No, it won't! It's my pet! Pets don't do that!" Cameron retorted.
Justin raised and eyebrow. "There is no way your mom is gonna let you keep that."
"Yeah," the other three said in unison.
"I won't tell. She's so little she can hide."
"She?" Chad said, furrowing his brow, "How do you know it's a she?"
"Because she's pretty."
"It's a leech. Leeches can't be pretty!" Rudi replied.
"Cody is."
"Cameron, get it off of you and get rid of it," Just told him.
"No!" Cameron cried and backed up defensively.
"I'm gonna tell!" Jefferey yelled.
Cameron held up a fist. "If you tell Jefferey I'll kick your butt!"
Jefferey hid behind Justin, his lower lip quivering.
"Yeah, go hide behind your big brother, you big baby!" Cameron growled.
Tears filled Jefferey's eyes. Justin glared at Cameron. "If you're gonna be mean then go away, Cameron."
"Fine! I will!" Cameron turned and ran back into the woods.
His friends watched as he disappeared into the trees.
"That was weird," Rudi said.
"Yeah, leeches are gross," Chad replied.
"I hope it eats him," Jefferey mumbled wiping away the tears.
Justin just stared worriedly at the forest.

Story in the Clouds

Henry the whale loves Henrietta the whale. Henrietta loves Henry. They stroll through the sky, side by side, happy as clams. But suddenly, Alvis, the whale eating crocodile, appears. He lunges for Henry who stays protectively in front of Henrietta. Henrietta screams and turns into a dolphin. As Alvis chomps down on Henry, Henry morphs into an airplane and Alvis vanishes. Now, Henry is an airplane but Henrietta has turned into a poodle. In an attempt to make up for their inconstancy in form, Henry turns into a seal, hoping they can once again be together. But Henrietta is gone. In her place is a mountain with a unicorn galloping majestically over its peak. Henry is sad that he can't find his love and so he turns into a banana. Sadly, now that he is an inanimate, eyeless object, he cannot see the other beautiful banana lying next to him.