Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Little Boy and His Pet - Part 1

Once upon a time there was a little, six year old boy named Cameron. Cameron liked to play by a creek in the woods. One day, as he was splashing through the shallow waters, he spotted something strange. He bent over, peering down at the oddity. It sort of looked like a slug, or maybe a worm; but, it was sorta cool. He reached into the cool water and picked it up. It suddenly, latched on to his palm.
"Ah!" he cried and tried to fling it off. But it remained. Calming down, Cameron lifted his hand to get a closer look at the creature. What is it? He decided his friends, Chad, Justin, Jefferey, and Rudi might know.
Cameron made his way out of the wood, with the worm like creature still attached to his hand. It felt very strange. He walked to the cul-de-sac where his friends liked to play street hockey.
"Hey Cameron!" Chad called happily when he saw him.
"Cameron! Come over and play offense with me!" Rudi yelled to him, "Justin's in goal!"
Cameron shook his head. "Guys, come see this!"
His friends exchanged glances and skated over to him. Cameron held out his hand with the dark thing.
"AH!" Jefferey screamed, and stumbled back, falling on his butt, "What is that?!"
Cameron shrugged. "I don't know," he looked up hopefully at Justin, the oldest, "Do you know?"
Justin looked closer at the thing and then wrinkled his nose. "Cameron, that's a leech. Those things suck your blood."
Cameron stared at the leech on his hand. That's probably why it felt funny.
"'s kinda's like a vampire slug," he replied.
Justin shook his head. "You should get rid of it, Cameron."
Chad nodded, "Listen to Justin. My mom said that leeches are really really bad. They're like lawyers...or were lawyers like leeches?" Chad thought for a moment. Jefferey pushed himself up. "Hey! My parents are lawyers!"
Cameron was ignoring them now. He studied his newfound creature. His friends were now arguing about what their parents thought about lawyers. Then, Cameron spoke softly. "Cody..."
The other boys quieted and looked at him. "What did you say?" Rudi asked.
"Cody," Cameron kept his eyes fixed on the leech, "I'm naming it Cody."
"Don't name it! It's gonna suck up all your blood! It's a bad guy!" Jefferey cried.
"No, it won't! It's my pet! Pets don't do that!" Cameron retorted.
Justin raised and eyebrow. "There is no way your mom is gonna let you keep that."
"Yeah," the other three said in unison.
"I won't tell. She's so little she can hide."
"She?" Chad said, furrowing his brow, "How do you know it's a she?"
"Because she's pretty."
"It's a leech. Leeches can't be pretty!" Rudi replied.
"Cody is."
"Cameron, get it off of you and get rid of it," Just told him.
"No!" Cameron cried and backed up defensively.
"I'm gonna tell!" Jefferey yelled.
Cameron held up a fist. "If you tell Jefferey I'll kick your butt!"
Jefferey hid behind Justin, his lower lip quivering.
"Yeah, go hide behind your big brother, you big baby!" Cameron growled.
Tears filled Jefferey's eyes. Justin glared at Cameron. "If you're gonna be mean then go away, Cameron."
"Fine! I will!" Cameron turned and ran back into the woods.
His friends watched as he disappeared into the trees.
"That was weird," Rudi said.
"Yeah, leeches are gross," Chad replied.
"I hope it eats him," Jefferey mumbled wiping away the tears.
Justin just stared worriedly at the forest.

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