Thursday, March 17, 2011

I don't care what anyone says

Justin Bieber is epic. I saw the movie and I am a Belieber. For reals. He's so dedicated. He loves his fans so much. But, the best part? The movie really showed some good scenes of the faith he and his mom possess. In one scene, as Biebs battles swollen vocal cords, his mom strokes his hair and prays fervently saying "In Jesus name, heal Justin Father" and other such phrases. In another scene, Justin and his friends sit down to have some hawaiian pizza, and Justin asks one of his friends to say grace. The boy starts the prayer and laughs through it, and thanks God for the hawaiians because they make pineapple. Justin goes "Haha, yeah, pineapples," then takes over and starts saying a legit prayer. I was really proud actually. Not only did he initiate saying grace, but when his peer wasn't taking it seriously, he was brave enough to actually be like, "K, guys, let's do an actual prayer to God" and all. Honestly, I don't know many people who wouldn't just laugh uncomfortably but not say anything. So Justin Bieber is talented and epic. And he's Canadian. All good things are Canadian :)

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