Sunday, May 29, 2011

An excerpt from...yeah, i don't even know

She felt a chill race down her spine; but, she placed her palm against the door frame none the less. She pushed. A musty odor rushed into her nostrils and she closed her eyes. It was dank. Dark and dank. She bit her lip and slipped inside the cold room, every ounce of common sense in her body screaming at her to turn and run. She ignored the pleas and closed the door. She squinted through the darkness. Nothing. She could see nothing. She slowly lifted her hand, just inches from her eyes. She let out a humorless laugh as she realized she couldn’t see her own hand in front of her face.
Something funny?
And suddenly she froze. Her hairs stood on end, and her heart began to pound against her rib cage as if trying to break free. The floor boards began to creak. The noise drew nearer and when it stopped, she felt hot breath on her face. Her hand pressed against the door, fumbling for the knob. Maybe she could leave. She had to leave. This was a mistake. But a rough hand grabbed her wrist just as her palm felt the cold brass knob.
Trying to leave? You only just came in.
She tried to swallow the lump in her throat. It didn’t budge. While one hand still held her wrist, the other reached up and touched her hair. She squeezed her eyes shut.
You’re scared.
That wasn’t a question, so she didn’t answer. She opened her eyes and still could see nothing. Suddenly, she was being pulled. Pulled from the door, her only escape. Pulled deeper into the darkness. 

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